The Can Do Spirit of Maui

By Jan C. Scruggs

Janna Hoehn is a petite, determined woman from California. She and her family have lived on the Island of Maui for more than 20  years. She is active in the community and her day job involves creating world class floral arrangements for the many weddings and events in Maui.

Janna decided that she would spearhead an effort to get all of the photographs of those from Maui who had given their lives in Vietnam. It took a year of persistent work, commitment, detective work and persuasion. She found teachers, librarians and family members until the job was done. On Memorial Day, Sen. Daniel Inouye joined her at a Call For Photos event in Maui.

This is the Can Do Spirit of Maui!

Janna is now working on a fundraiser to get $1,000 in honor of each of the 42 soldiers from Maui who did not return from the war. She is joined by others in this event which involves the veterans community of this lovely vacation paradise at the Cafe O’ Lei at the Dune at Maui Lani. The event starts at 6 p.m. on Friday, June 22, 2012. Why don’t you just jump on an airplane and attend? Or maybe do the same type of event in your community?

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund wants to thank her for being an example of what a dedicated person can accomplish. Others like retired West Point graduate Gen. Neal Creighton have collected photos and raised money for the fallen heroes of the Academy. Neal Stanley, a volunteer at The Wall, raised more than $120,000 in Denver.

We are in a race against the clock.  We want to break ground in November. Why the rush? Because in 2014 the Education Center can be completed. The Center will be there to welcome home the American veterans from Afghanistan. They too will be honored there.

In a nationwide grassroots movement, people like Janna make things happen through sheer determination. The Education Center at The Wall will honor America’s heroes.  Many people are helping. Some help in very big ways like Janna. Learn more at